Mesothelioma Attorneys mesothelioma lawyer [1]
Mesothelioma (mesothelioma) is a very serious illness a few days ago still no effective cure for the only known cause is exposure to asbestos (asbestos) it into the lungs caused by the disease.
The need for some workers exposed to asbestos at work the boss would not normally be informed in order to profit of its workers against the disease if the factory and the boss can not shirk its responsibility to have this need to conduct litigation (lawsuit) and find a suitable lawyer (attorney) mesothelioma cases very expensive legal fees so how to choose an appropriate lawyer mesothelioma considerable debate.
Explained: Mesothelioma Attorneys translation: Mesothelioma lawyers, mesothelioma attorneys
Mesothelioma Attorneys
by Surce time 9:27 PM
『Time』一周摄影图片精选:Apr 24 30,2009
Thursday, Apr. 30, 2009
Refugees 摄影师:Adrees Latif
This woman is one of thousands of Pakistanis displaced by fighting between the government and the Taliban.
Tuesday, Apr. 28, 2009
『女摄影师』Kelli Connell:一个人的双重生活
女摄影师Kelli Connell的首个独展作品“Double Life”是一个非常特别的拍摄项目,每张照片都是由2张胶片扫描后通过Photoshop后期拼接而成,每张照片的两个主人公也都是同一个模特。
关于『Kelli Connell』美国女摄影师,1974年出生于美国俄克拉荷马市,2003年毕业于德州女子大学,“Double Life”已经在全球多个画廊进行展出,并被微软、洛杉矶艺术博物馆、休斯顿艺术博物馆城市、当代摄影博物馆等机构收藏,收录于Aperture出版画册《MP3 - Midwest Photographers Publication Project》中,目前Kelli Connell在芝加哥哥伦比亚大学任教。
Candidate Supporters' Use of Gadgets as Symbols Reveal Power of Brands
Then again, the apparent authority of Apple as a liberal mainstay doesn't always hold true. Famously conservative pundit and radio shock jock Rush Limbaugh is a huge Apple fan, as he noted earlier this year in one of his broadcasts.
Let's just hope that if Obama wins, there are no 3G-type, cut-and-paste bumps in the road for his administration.
by Surce time 11:20 AM
20 marvels of modern engineering
Technology is taking such rapid strides forward at such a blurring pace that what is considered a marvelous novelty turns into a mundane common object within no time. To classify and bunch a set of man-made marvels from a world that is being constantly altered is a pretty tough job. Finding them is easy enough in a world filled with man-made wonders but the relevance of such a compilation will be short-lived compared with a list from the ancient world. Yet we embark on a journey across the planet and beyond to try and find out the best the world has to offer—our own creations that leave us in awe. We limit ourselves to finding the biggest, tallest or the highest as otherwise we would probably never end the journey we began. It is a journey filled with variations and grand delights in a spectacular way. So, have a fun ride...
1. CERN’s Large Hadron Collider:
2. International Space Station (ISS):
3. Three Gorges Dam:
4. Petronas Twin Towers:
5. Space Telescope Chandra:
6. Palm Deira of Dubai
7. Viaduc de Millau Bridge:
8. Bird’s Nest:
9. Burj-Al-Arab Hotel:
10. Kingda Ka Roller Coaster:
11. Rungnado May Day Stadium:
12. Akashi Kaikyo Suspension Bridge:
13. Lake Mead:
14. Project Genesis:
15. Hangzhou Bay Bridge:
16. Channel Tunnel:
17. Singapore Flyer:
18. Pan STARRS-1:
19. MareNostrum:
20. San Alfonso Del Mar:
by Surce time 10:54 AM